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August 2020 Newsletter: Bringing the ocean to your home

Registrations are Now Open for our Marine Science After School Beach Camps

Did you hear about our weekly Marine Science After School Beach Camps? Like all of our programs, the after school beach camps engage youth in meaningful, memorable, and fun outdoor experiences that will not be available to them this school year as a result of distance learning. This program could result in a myriad of academic, social, and health benefits for participants. Exposure to nature through environmental education enhances learners' cognitive functioning, self-discipline, and character development, in addition to numerous physical and mental health benefits. Learn more about the benefits of outdoor learning here.

The program will run Monday through Friday from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm, starting on September 8, 2020. Full scholarships are available based on economic need sponsored by a grant from the California Coastal Conservancy, or you can take advantage of discounts for siblings and for enrolling in multiple weeks.

Contact us at to find out how to apply for a scholarship for your child.

The best way to support us today is by sharing with your community, friends, and family.

Now Recruiting 8 Educators for the EECCOA 2020-2021 Virtual Program

We have adapted all aspects of the Energy Efficiency to Mitigate Climate Change and Ocean Acidification (EECCOA) Program to distance learning. The EECCOA 2020-2021 program will provide participating educators with concise professional development webinars (3 to returning teachers, 5 to new to the program) access to online lesson plans aligned to NGSS,  and teachers’ stipends.

Students will be able to design project proposals collaboratively or individually to reduce the carbon footprint of their schools or their homes through live online mentorship, virtual field trips, video tutorials, and win cash prizes for authors of 12-15 winning proposals by entering in the EECCOA Challenge 2021.

Find out more details about this opportunity and additional perks of participating in the EECCOA Program here.


The Blue-Green Schools Project Continues this Fall

MERITO Foundation launched the Blue-Green School Project (BGSP) funded by EPA one year ago to empower 4th-5th grade students from 5 schools in Ventura County to make their school campuses more environmentally friendly. The goal of this project is to increase sustainable practices at school campuses by involving students in all the stages of project development. In spite of the COVID-19 lockdown, teachers and students from McKinna Elementary School completed the design of the waste reduction project for their school in June 2020 and will begin to implement the measures at their schools through a $5K sub-award from EPA this fall. MERITO Foundation staff will be virtually working with the teachers and students from the remaining four elementary schools this fall to complete their proposals within the next few months. We are very excited to start making these proposals a reality and reduce the environmental impact of elementary schools in Ventura County. Learn more here.

This program was organized in partnership with California State Parks- Channel Coast District and California Coastal Conservancy.


Inspiration from our 2019 Accomplishments

As we look forward to the future and adapt to the learning and environmental challenges happening this year, it helps to look back and remember the impact that our collective efforts have on our local youth.

Check out our 2019 Anual Report here


Don't miss the opportunity to help reduce energy use and you earn GIFT CARDS$$$

The summer has arrived, and it is a hot one.  As we turn on the AC to cool down, the demand for energy in Ventura County increases, straining the electricity grid and increasing the probability of wildfires and blackouts.

Clean Power Alliance is actively engaging our community to save energy and earn gift cards by enrolling in their Power Response Program. You could earn up to $125 for registering and another $100 or more by adjusting your thermostat on hot days. Watch this short video to find out how to qualify and sign up.


New Energy Literacy Series coming out soon on CAPS Media!

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